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Pastoral Care

The school is naturally concerned about the needs and welfare of its pupils and has developed an excellent pastoral care system which allows for the development of close relationships between teachers, pupils, parents and such other agencies as necessary.

The system is simple and ‘user friendly’.

Each class has a tutor who brings together the administration, disciplinary and guidance procedures of the school. In the Junior School, in addition to being a subject teacher for the class, the tutor has one tutorial period each week with his/her class. During this time, pupils, through their own active participation, follow a carefully structured programme which allows the tutor to support the academic development of pupils in addition to their personal and social development.

During this time class tutors are encouraged to use the skills of ‘Circle Time’. This is an opportunity for pupils to form positive relationships. It encourages responsibility and an awareness of personal needs and the needs of others. It promotes co-operation, communication, trust and self discipline and provides an opportunity to transform conflict.

Each class in the Junior School has an assigned ‘Buddy’, a senior pupil who looks after the needs of the junior pupils. An induction programme is in place for new pupils and includes a residential in September/October.

Pupils are encouraged to have a ‘voice’ in the way in which the school is run. This is done through ‘Councillors’ elected by each class. They meet regularly as the School Council and bring issues of reform/concern to the school management.